A literary agent shares her own story of her journey from darkness to light.
As a starry-eyed someday-wannabe screenwriter, I looked forward to taking this workshop for months. When I received my conference brochure and went through it like I always do, this was the first thing to really jump out at me as something I had to attend. I have an idea for a screenplay that’s been on my heart for a while, and this workshop struck me as a great place to start.
So you can imagine how disappointed I was the morning of the class when conference coordinator Judy Bodmer announced that the workshop instructor, Kimberly Shumate, was ill and might have to cancel. I was concerned for her, of course, but sad that the workshop I’d anxiously anticipated might not happen.
At breakfast, Judy led the conference attendees in prayer for Kimberly, and we went off to our 9AM workshops. At 10:45, I went to the screenwriting workshop, hopeful that it hadn’t been cancelled.
Kimberly was there, feeling better and ready to teach. She told us that a couple of prayer warrior conference attendees had prayed over her, at the same time the group was praying for her. As testimony to the healing power of prayer, she felt the weight of her illness lift. She went on to share some of her testimony with us. Read her full story here.
As a former practicing Wiccan, Kimberly is now a strong woman of God who takes spiritual warfare very seriously. The enemy hates her, she says, and she “hates him right back”. Like all strong warriors in God’s army, she faces powerful opposition when she’s about to do something good for Him. The stage was set – we were going to learn something important here. Something that we could use to Glorify Him.
The workshop itself did not disappoint, but my biggest takeaway was Kimberly’s example of fearlessly going into battle for the greater good. She could have stayed in her hotel that morning but she didn’t, because she knew what was happening on a spiritual level. We banded together in prayer against the forces of darkness and we won.
Hey, maybe there’s a screenplay in there somewhere.
For a recap on Kimberly’s “Nuts and Bolts of Screenwriting” workshop at the NCWA Writers’ Renewal Conference, Click Here.
Visit Kimberly at her website: http://livingwordliterary.wordpress.com/
A literary agent shares her own story of her journey from darkness to light. #christian Click to Tweet!
“The Nuts and Bolts of Screenwriting” Workshop w/ Kimberly Shumate. New blog post. Click to Tweet!
From Wiccan to #Christian. Kimberly Shumate @livingwordliterPlease Retweet! Click to Tweet!
Great post Lesley. It’s always good to remember who the opposition really is. Sometimes I think it is me, my life and people in it. But when you put it all in the right prospective, it is obvious that we only allow those circumstances to replace the one who is truely trying to work against us. It is wonderful to know that our Lord & Savior is always present at our sides just waiting for us to ask for His help.
So true. Kim’s story is a powerful reminder of whose side we’re fighting on. Remembering that daily renews my strength to fight.
I loved hearing this story again! It was fun to watch the Lord work and hear her testimony of coming to Christ. What an encouraging post to read today!
I’m glad you enjoyed it Mindy. Kim’s strength is such an inspiration.
I love the idea of living fearlessly. Kudos to Kimberly for modeling how it’s done.
She’s such an inspiration to me. I loved getting an unexpected blessing from the workshop I’d anticipated for months.